October 30, 2020

Additional points in Express Entry

Additional points in Express Entry to increase Francophone immigration outside Quebec

Press release
October 27, 2020 – Ottawa – The Honourable Marco E. L. Mendicino, P.C., M.P., Minister of Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship, today announced that Francophone and bilingual applicants will receive additional points in the express entry system. The Express Entry System is an online system used to manage applications for permanent residence for skilled workers. This change will help the government meet its commitment to reach the target of 4.4 per cent admissions of Francophones outside Quebec by 2023.
Although Francophone immigration outside Quebec has increased, recent data shows that the selection tools in place will not be sufficient to meet the 4.4% target by 2023. Allocating additional points under the express admission program to applicants with strong French language skills could increase admissions of francophone immigrants to reach the 4.4% target by 2023. Progress towards this goal will be facilitated by a possible easing of travel restrictions related to the global pandemic.
The change announced today includes an increase of 15 to 25 points for Francophone applicants and 30 to 50 points for bilingual applicants. This change follows the initial allocation of points in June 2017 for candidates with strong French language skills.

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