When a country has as much to offer as Canada, it’s easy to understand why hundreds of foreign investors are setting up plants and doing business here.
The Business Immigration Program seeks to attract experienced business immigrants to Canada so that they can help build a strong and prosperous Canadian economy.
The Business Immigration Program seeks to attract individuals with business and/or management experience to contribute to Canada’s economic development.
Are you a business person or a manager and you wish to immigrate to Canada?
Canada offers you – for you, your family and your investment projects; an exceptional quality of life that combines North American efficiency and European charm:
Are you interested in making a commercial investment in Canada or are you interested in starting/acquiring a business in Canada? Several possibilities are available to you. You can apply under a federal program or, if you know which province or territory you wish to reside in, you can make your plans a reality through one of the provincial business immigration programs.
Canada has three classes of business immigrants, each with distinct eligibility criteria: investors, entrepreneurs and self-employed persons. An application can only be submitted for one category.
Canada offers you – for you, your family and your investment projects; An exceptional quality of life that combines North American efficiency and European charm.